Meet your support…

Hi, I’m Jen. I am here to help you

Remember Who You Truly Are.

I know this road because I’ve walked it.

I was unknowingly living with a dysregulated nervous system for over 35 years. Yet, to the outside observer (including myself), I was seen as successful, a super mom, a true friend, a competitive athlete, and an accomplished business owner. I was incredibly driven and goal oriented.

I eventually came to an impasse in my life where my body spoke so loudly that I couldn’t ignore her anymore. Through walking the path of completely healing cPTSD and reconnecting with my body (and thus my life), I amassed the experience, knowledge and passion to share it with others.

Today, I am trained as a facilitator in multiple trauma-informed somatic modalities, which are my passion to share with others. These have been added to over twenty five years of academic, professional, and personal experience in the fields of cognitive and behavioral psychology, anatomy & physiology, mindfulness & meditation, yoga, human optimization, human movement, play (yes, play!), and wellness coaching.

I am here to help people reconnect to their truest selves in a thoughtful, supportive, loving and fun way. I do this by facilitating supportive spaces for transformational experiences that are rooted in playfulness, curiosity, non-judgement, and connection. Using the breath, deepening our inner awareness, and reconnecting to our bodies gives us the missing link to living our lives in the full and rich manner in which we deserve to live.

“We cannot continue to seek outside ourselves for the things we need from within. The blessings for which we hunger are not to be found in other places or people. These gifts can only be given to you by yourself. ”

—- John O’Donahue, Anam Cara